Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv became the winner of the European Union's ERASMUS+ Program (Jean Monnet) and opened the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in the Institute of International Relations in September 2019.
The Centre’s activity is aimed at implementing the project «Advancing European Studies in Ukraine: Interdisciplinary Approach» (№ 611625-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-CoE). Implementation period: 2019-2022.
Objectives of the project:
- promoting the development of educational and scientific activities, as well as improving the teaching, exchange of views and experience on the functioning of the EU in the economic, political, legal and communication spheres;
- disseminating and clarifying information on the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part;
- broadening interaction with the different groups of Ukrainian society to promote knowledge about EU activities.
Expected results:
The project envisages the transformation of the Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv into a methodological hub with open educational resources in European studies.
The project will facilitate the research and discussions on the EU's current development trends, and the European policy on Eastern Europe with a focus on EU-Ukraine relations, as well as will involve target groups outside the Institute of International Relations for obtaining additional professional information on the functioning of the EU in economic, political, legal and communication areas.
Target groups of the project:
- students who do not specialize in European studies;
- senior pupils;
- researchers;
- government servants;
- representatives of public organizations;
- general public.
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Leaflet (UKR)
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Leaflet (EN)

Head of the Center, Academic Coordinator, Section Head – Head of the Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Dr of Sci. (Ec.), Prof.

Deputy Administrative Coordinator, Expert of EU Economy Section – Professor of the Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Dr of Sci. (Ec.), Assoc. Prof.

Section Head – Director of the Institute of International Relations, Dr of Sci. (Political Studies), Prof.

Administrative Coordinator, Expert of EU Policy Section – Associate Professor of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Chair, PhD (Political Studies), Assoc. Prof.

Expert of EU Policy Section – Associate Professor of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Chair, PhD (Political Studies)

Section Head – Professor of the Chair of Comparative and European Law, Doctor of Jur. Sciences, Prof.

Expert of EU Law – Associate Professor of the Chair of Comparative and European Law, PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Section Head – Professor of the International Information Chair, Dr of Sci. (Political Studies), Prof.
Contacts of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence:
Kyiv, 36/1 Y. Illienka str, 313 room