Business School IIR

IIR Business School is an international educational platform which aims at developing modern practical skills and connections of our clients for their successful business and personal growth.

Our mission is to exclude from the enormous cloud of information the most essential and useful one and to present it understandably to our student, caring about his comfort, time, personal needs, and, what is more important, his internal development.

We believe that a successful business is not only based on a clear understanding of basic terms, principles and processes, but also on the internal harmony of its founder.

It’s important for us that the IIR Business School graduates have not only gained new skills but also received a “charge” of energy and inspiration to set and realize new goals in their businesses and personal lives.

There are a lot of business schools which propose their services on the market, but none of them has such a powerful ground as we have – the Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which is famous for its high level of teaching Ethics, Diplomacy, Negotiations, Foreign Languages.
Our alumni are powerful, successful, charismatic, and interesting. They have resourceful connections, love to travel and study at any time, and are able to turn their dreams into jobs and jobs into hobbies.

We currently offer courses in 6 areas:

  1. Visual analytics
  2. Marketing
  3. Motivation
  4. Business etiquette
  5. Preparation for IELTS
  6. Essay writing
  7. Teenagers business school
  8. School of a young Ukrainian diplomat

And also higher Swiss education under the MBA program from the Swiss Montreux Business School!


Contact us

Telephone number: 067-777-81-99


Instagram: @iir_business_school

